Elementary/Middle School Academics

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St. Joseph Catholic School is an accredited school and follows the Diocesan and Arkansas State requirements regarding basic materials, specific courses, and time allotments.  A planned instructional program will lead to discovering and developing the abilities of each student.  Each school will have a period of instruction in the Catholic faith and follow curriculum established by the Diocesan guidelines.  

The "In Spirit and Truth Curriculum Guide" applies to all Pre-K through eighth grade Catholic schools in Arkansas. It offers school administrators and classroom educators’ identifiable objectives for each subject area. The objectives assist in developing appropriate expectations for each grade in relation to the entire subject area, thus assisting in planning short- and long-range goals and periodic evaluation. The guidelines are available for download by subject.

  • Religion- Profession of Faith, Celebration of Christian Mystery, Life in Christ and Christian Prayer

  • Language Arts – Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Language and Library Skills

  • Mathematics – Numbers, Numeration & Operation, Measurement, Problem Solving & Critical Thinking, Estimation, Graphs & Charts, Statistics  Probability, Geometry, Algebra

  • Science – Tools of Service, Earth & Space, Life, Physical, Science & Technology

  • Social Studies - History, Political Science, Geography, Culture, Economics, Arkansas Studies and Peace/Justice

  • Art – Personal Development Through Art, Art in Society, Art Heritage

  • Music – Elements; Liturgical; Multicultural; Careers; Performance; Interrelationship of Music, Art & Literature; Special Choirs

  • Physical Education-  Movement, Fitness, Manipulative Skills, Games & Sports

  • Technology Foundations – Basic Operations & Concepts; Social, Ethical & Human Issues; Technology Productivity Tools; Technology Communication Tools; Technology Research Tools; Technology as a Tool for Problem Solving & Decision-Making

  • Health- Self-concept & Relationships; Safety; Consumer & Personal; Nutrition; Human Growth & Development; Prevention & Control of Disease; Respecting God’s Creation; Substance Use & Abuse